If you are reading this and you were guided to this page. God would like to have a personal relationship with you. It is not about going to church, but about spending time in the Lord’s presence and learning about him and learning his ways.
Please repeat the prayer of Salvation with me if you don’t know the Lord personally or have never entered into fellowship with God the Father.
Prayer of Salvation:
Rededication pray this prayer as well to rededication your life and it is with the understanding your wanting a relationship with God the Father.
Heavenly Father forgive me of all my sins past, present and future sins.
I believe your son Jesus died for my sins and that you Lord God has raised him back up to life again.
I give you Lordship over my life and I come to you as I am in Jesus name,
If, you have taken the bold step of faith today. We celebrate and congratulate you by welcoming you into fellowship with the Father, born again brother or sister in Christ Jesus.
The next thing you will need to do is work on your relationship with God. You do this through reading the Bible. It can be from a Bible app that you download on your phone. If that would be more comfortable and convenient for you? I would recommend the NLT – New Living Translation to start with because it is printed with the understanding of every day language like we are communicating with one another now.
Pray for God’s guidance in finding you a church that would help you grow and learn about God as your Father, as Jesus Christ his Son and the Holy Spirit who will be your counselor and guide.
Father, I thank you for helping me to be able to him them through your word and guidances. I pray over them that they may grow in you and mature in you to be able upon maturity disciple who you may bring across their path. I speak a blessings over them with guidance of your Spirit and protection from the angelic realm in Jesus name we pray,
Anonymous6 months ago