Heavenly father I need you now more than ever I messed up so much in my life and I’m on the verge of giving up again, I’m struggling to let go of my ex Tia lord and sins I committed against her, I know she wants nothing to do with me lord and I keep lying to myself that I don’t love her but I do and no matter what I do I just can’t let her go and I know I need to, so that I can be happy and develope the feelings I have for Natalia, I trust in you and your will lord almighty but it’s a struggle to let go of the past and look to the future please help me, I’m looking for love lord and I want to find that with Natalia but my thoughts betray me and I keep thinking of Tia please help me to let go of her, I can’t do this anymore, I want to be with Natalia and I know I can’t do that with the feelings I still have for Tia, so I ask you for Natalia to reach out and tell me directly how she feels about me I know we haven’t met or even gone on a date, but I really want to and it is tearing me apart in the name of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ please help me Amen
Anonymous6 months ago