My boyfriend broke up with me a little over a month ago out of nowhere, stating that the relationship didn’t feel right, right now. Prior to all of this, he many times stated his desire for us to marry and start a family, as early as next year. I immediately fell in love with this man and we had been inseparable up until everything happened. I had prayed for a man like him to come into my life for years, and I felt (and still feel) that God sent him to me. We are meeting to talk this weekend. He has recently said he feels unchanged about being together but lately he’s shown signs of missing me and even seems happier around me. I’ve been working on healing my heart to move on from this relationship and praying for God to help me through this, but I keep feeling a strong push to work on things and not give up yet. Please pray that this weekend brings clarity to our situation and pray that we can reconcile and come back together again. I truly love this man more than I can put into words and I want us to return to our loving relationship with God at the center.