Anonymous6 months ago

I always dream of seeing myself at places l left so many years ago like my primary school, my mother’s house that we were driven away and my hometown. Again, I also dream of seeing myself naked at places that I’m not supposed to, seeing myself climbing stairs that are shaking and frightening , seeing dead parents in my dream and eating with them. I have been praying against all of these on alter of fire for some time now. Recently, I realised that I can’t remember my dreams when I woke up but after the morning prayer, l that dreamt of seeing myself again at my mother’s family home where were harassed and driven away years ago. Things are not going well for me and my siblings. I just finished the chemotherapy for metastatic adenocarcinoma and will be going for review this Friday. I hope my case is resolved and these dream again. Please pastor Jerry help me break the yoke of bandage from my father’s house, mother’s house and any form of cursed.

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