Anonymous6 months ago

I just moved back with my dad n step mother after many years bc I never got along with her bc she doesn’t let up on situations n she chooses her side of the family over us also I was brought up in a violent home with drugs n alchold living with my mom. I been here a few months I am an addict but I been sober but I do fall short. I started a new job as a server but I have a very bad back n I am scared I am gonna let myself down by not being able to do the job I know best n the only job bc of the wrong path I chose. I know what’s right or wrong but it’s living with the uncomfortable feeling that gnaws at me being in my own skin. I don’t make friends easy but I am a giver not a take n I love unconditionally but some people tend to judge or talk crap that has no truth to it or make fun of the how I do things. Well anyway please give me the strength to stay strong n focused at my third day training as a server I don’t want to fail n please keep my mind strong against the devils people who talk crap or try n get a response from you. I really need gods help n I feel that bc I am not perfect he isn’t close to me I always felt like a failure n this is my chance to try n grow strong n do right I just need n want to feel God’s presence like I have B4 . Life is hard expecially for me bc I chose to do wrong n blamed my mom but I could of changed at anytime but all the guilt n shame expecially what I put my daughter through kept me in the dark. I don’t ever want to be in that place again ..

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